Kidepo National Park

Kidepo National Park

In Kidepo National Park you will find an enormous variety of birds in addition to the big game. You can also come into contact with the locals who live in a residential community. A visit to the IK tribe is also definitely worth it. Here you get a good picture of what it is like to live with the laws of nature. In addition, it is of course fantastic to observe the wildlife and have the time to take the perfect photo. It is therefore lovely not to rush through the park and to take your time. In the dry season, you drive through the beds of dried-up rivers. In the rainy season, you can see the park change into an extensive river network.

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    detail informations

    Game Drive

    When we talk about a Game drive, we mean looking for the wild animals. The animals have no boundaries and you never know where they are. Sometimes it is a real treasure hunt and a matter of patience. It's all in the Game.

    Visit the community

    Get in touch with the people of the community. They proudly show how they live together and what the customs and rules of life within the community are. But also how they store their harvest, prepare the food, and take care of the sick.

    Visit the IK tribe

    A visit to the IK tribe is an experience you will not soon forget. Their customs and way of life are unique.

    Bird watching

    If you like birds, walking with the ranger is a great experience. The ranger points out everything you miss, knows the names of each bird, how they build a nest, and what they live on. During the walk, you have time to photograph the bird properly.

    Other excursions

    Take a look at our other excursions

    Excursion 2

    15 days
    Sept 2023 - Dec 2023
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
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    Excursion 1

    15 days
    Sept 2023 - Dec 2023
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
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